Over the last 48 hours, The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (Public Health) has confirmed 39 new deaths and 1238 new cases of 2019 Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) – including 16 new cases in Boyle Heights and 17 new cases in East Los Angeles.

Twenty-eight of the new deaths and 711 of the new cases were confirmed on Saturday –among them eight new cases in Boyle Heights and 12 new cases in East LA. Of the new deaths reported, 21 were people who had underlying health conditions and 17 people were over the age of 65.  Two individuals over the age of 65 who died did not have underlying health conditions. Nine people who died were between the ages of 18 and 65; six people who died in this age group had underlying health conditions. Two deaths were reported by the City of Long Beach.   

On Friday, Public Health confirmed 11 new deaths and 521 new cases – including eight new cases in Boyle Heights and five new cases in East LA.  Seven of the 11 deaths reported Friday occurred in people over the age of 65; three people were between 41– 65 years old, and one person was between 18 to 40 years old. All reported underlying health conditions except for one individual between 41– 65 years old.

A digital tool that maps and charts the number of confirmed Covid-19 cases throughout Los Angeles county can be consulted on the County website. On Saturday it showed the number of cases in Boyle Heights as 36, and the total for East Los Angeles as 40.

To date, Public Health has identified 5277 cases across all areas of LA County, including 117 deaths. As of Saturday, 1168 people who tested positive for COVID-19 (22% of positive cases) have been hospitalized at some point during their illness. Testing capacity continues to increase in LA county, with almost 29,000 individuals tested and 14% of people testing positive.

This post was updated on April 6 to correct the headline, which stated the number of cases in Boyle Heights as 38. The correct number, stated in the story, is 36.

Boyle Heights Beat is a bilingual community newspaper produced by its youth "por y para la comunidad". The newspaper and its sister website serve an immigrant neighborhood in East Los Angeles of just under...

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